B IO D I V E R S IT A S ISSN: 1412-033X Volume 17, Number 1, April 2016 E-ISSN: 2085-4722 Pages: 249-255 DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d170136
The diversity of plant species, the types of plant uses and the estimate of carbon stock in agroforestry system in Harapan Makmur Village, Bengkulu, Indonesia
1Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu. Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38371A, Bengkulu, Indonesia. Tel.: +62- 73621170, ♥email: wiryonogood@yahoo.com, wiryonogood@unib.ac.id
2 The Office of Forestry, Plantation, Mining and Energy, Empat Lawang District, South Sumatra Province. Jl. Lintas Sumatra Km 7,5, Sungai Payang, Tebing Tinggi, Empat Lawang 31453, South Sumatra, Indonesia.
Manuscript received: 21 February 2016. Revision accepted: 31 March 2016.
Abstract. Wiryono, Puteri VNU, Senoaji G. 2016. The diversity of plant species, the types of plant uses and the estimate of carbon stock in agroforestry system in Harapan Makmur Village, Bengkulu, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 17: 249-255. Homegardens are a traditional form of agroforestry commonly found in rural areas in Indonesia, where a variety of agricultural crops and forest trees are grown in a mixed system. To some extent, the traditional homegardens resemble natural forest in vegetation structure and composition. The objective of this study was to know the diversity of plant species, the types of plant uses and the estimate of carbon stock in homegardens in, Harapan Makmur Village, Central Bengkulu District, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. The field work was conducted in 2013. The data of uses were collected through interview, while data on vegetation were gathered from measurement. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that 101 species of plants were found in the homegardens, with a Shannon- Wiener diversity index of 0.99 for trees. The most dominant species of trees was Hevea brasiliensis Willd (rubber tree) with an importance value index of 127 %. For saplings and shrubs, rubber was also the most dominant with 169 individuals, while for herbs, Agrostis sp. was the most dominant species with an average coverage of 25.8 %. The community used plants for several purposes: 41 species for food, 21 for fire wood, 13 for ornamental plants, 11 for medicines, 7 for construction wood, 6 for shade trees, 2 for handy craft, 4 for hedge, 3 for forage, and 2 for coloring. Twenty three species were not used. The estimate of carbon stock in trees was 95.2 ton ha-1 .
Keywords: Agroforestry, homegardens, carbon stock, species diversity
INTRODUCTION Having vast area of wet tropical forest, Indonesia is rich in biodiversity. However, large-scale forest exploitation which have been done for several decades has caused massive deforestation, which in turn can reduce biodiversity. Within the period of 2000-2009, the total area of deforestation in Indonesia was 15.6 million hectares (FWI 2011). Conversion of natural forest into oil palm plantation has been a driving force of deforestation in Indonesia, and most the oil palm plantation is located in Sumatra (Saxon and Roquemore 2011). Not only large plantation companies, but also farmers grow oil palm in their land. The farmers sell their oil palm fruit to the collectors who will sell the fruit to companies. Not only dry land, even rice field has been converted to oil palm plantation which threatens food security (Wildayana 2015).
Fortunately, some villagers still maintain agroforestry system in their homegardens. Agroforestry is a farming system, combining agricultural crops and forest trees. Agroforestry can also be defined as a dynamic, ecologically based, natural resources management system that, through the integration of trees on farms and in the agricultural landscape, diversifies and sustains production for increased social, economic and environmental benefits for land users at all levels (Mead 2004). It is a traditional farming system practiced in many parts of the world. In developing countries, this system has been practiced until today, but even in Europe it was a general practice until Middle Ages (King 1987). Agroforestry system may balance the goal of agricultural development and conservation of soil, water, regional climate and biodiversity (Schroth et al. 2004). The role of agroforestry in biodiversity conservation have been recognized, and recently, there have been a growing interest on the role of carbon sequestration in agroforestry system (Takimoto et al 2009, Kessler et al 2012).
The objective of this study was to know the diversity of plant species, the types of plant uses and the estimate of carbon stock in home gardens in Hamlet II of Harapan Makmur Village, in Pondok Kubang Sub-District, Central Bengkulu District, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia.
Study area
This study was conducted in Hamlet II, Harapan Makmur Village, Pondok Kubang Sub-District, Central Bengkulu District, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia (Figure 1), from January to May 2013. Additional data were taken in early March 2016. Most of the residents are Javanese.
250 B IO D I V E R S IT A S 17 (1): 249-255, April 2016 Figure 1. Study site in Harapan Makmur Village, Pondok Kubang Sub-District, Central Bengkulu District, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia (PETA HARAPAN MAKMUR VILLAGE)
Sampling of vegetation
Sampling of vegetation was done in 23 homegardens, or 20% of the total homegardens. The plants were categorized into three categories based on its size and growth form: (i) tree: a woody plant having a diameter at breast height (dbh) > 10 cm and height > 3 m; (ii) sapling or shrub: woody plant with dbh < 10 cm and height < 3m; and (iii) herb: non-woody plant (it could be wooody at old age). Coconut and oil palm were categorized as trees, while banana was considered a shrub. Every name of plant in the selected homegarden was recorded. To get data for quantitative measurement (diversity index, importance value index and carbon stock of trees, abundance of shrubs and average cover of herbs) for each home garden, 10 m x10 m quadrates were made for tree sampling with sampling intensity of 20%. Within each 10 m x10m quadrate, a 4 m x4m quadrate was made for sampling of shrubs and saplings, and a 1 m x1m quadrate was made for sampling of herbs.
The dbh (130 cm above the ground), local names, scientific names, number of individuals and height of trees in the 10 m x10m quadrates were recorded. For shrubs and saplings, only the local names, scientific names and number of individuals were recorded. For herbs, the local names, the scientific names and percentage of coverage were recorded. The data of plant uses were collected through interview with 23 respondents, 11 of whom were farmers, 10 farming laborers, 1 civil servant and 1 mechanic. Based on the education, 15 of respondents graduated from elementary school, 3 junior high school, 3 senior high school, 1 did not finish elementary school and 1 graduated from university.
Data analyses
Diversity index Shannon-Wiener index of diversity was calculated for trees, with the following formula: H- (pi)(log pi) s i 1 Where: H = species diversity index s = number of species Pi= proportion of species i= ni/N (number of trees of species i/total number of trees) Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg (1974) Importance value index Importance value index was calculated for each tree species, using this formula: IV= relative density + relative frequency + relative dominance Density WIRYONO et al. – Species diversity and carbon stock in homegardens 251 Frequency Dominance Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg (1974) Carbon stock Carbon stock was estimated for trees. The carbon stock was estimated indirectly through biomass estimate. The stored biomass was estimated using allometric equations summarized in Sari et al 2011 (Table 1) because these formula were the results of previous researches. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Species diversity and dominance A total of 101 plant species were found in Hamlet II of Harapan Makmur Village, 38 of which were trees with diamter > 10 cm. Some plants were intentionally planted, and the others grew naturally. In another agroforestry system in the form of bamboo-tree gardens in West Java, Okubo et al (2010) found 42 planned and utilized species and 19 associated non-use species of plants with diameter > 10 cm. Also in West Java, Manurung et al (2008) found 52 tree species in dudukuhan, a traditional tree garden. The Shannon-Wiener index of tree species diversity was 0.99. The Shannon-Wiener index value for home- gardens in this study was similar to the index values for dudukuhans in West Java. Dudukuhans value varied from 1.31 for mixed timber-fruit systems, to 1.18 for mixed fruit-timber-banana-annual crop systems, to 1.10 for fallow gardens (similar to secondary forests), to 0.44 for timber systems (Manurung et al 2008). Although agroforestry system has lower species diversity than natural forest (Kessler et al 2012), the plant diversity in agroforestry system is certainly higher than in single-species plantation. Amid the trend of conversion from agroforest into single species plantation in Indonesia (Feintrenie et al 2010) the attitude of Harapan Makmur villagers to maintain their agroforest is commendable. Among trees, rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis Willd, had the highest importance value index (127.0%), followed by oil palm tree or Elaeis guineensis L (28.4%), and coconut or Cocos nucifera L. (24.5%). Other trees had much lower importance value index (Table 2). Table 1. Allometric equations to estimate carbon for some species of trees Types of plants or species Allometric equations Tree with branches (in general) AGB = 0.11 ρ D2.62 Tree without branches AGB = π ρ H D2 /40 Bamboo AGB = 0.131 D2.28 Paraseriantes falcataria AGB = 0.0272 D2.831 Tectona grandis 0.0272 D2.2227 Acacia mangium 0.0528 (D 2 ) 1.3612 Swetenia macrophylla 0.048 D2.08 Note: D: diameter (cm), H: tree height (m) ; ρ: wood density (g cm-3 ), the value of which for each species is taken from ICRAF 2013. For species which have no information of ρ, the value of ρ was assumed to be the same as that of another species having similar physical properties. The below ground biomass for mixed forest is about 0.37 of above ground biomass and the carbon stock is 0.47 of biomass (IPCC 2006). Among shrubs and saplings, rubber plant also had the highest number of individuals, 159, followed by banana or Musa sp. with 51 individuals, robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner), 41, and arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) 21. Other species had much lower values (Table 3). Most trees and shrubs in homegardens do not grownaturally, but are intentionally planted, so their abundance reflects the preference of the owners. Economic consideration is one the main factors determining the selection of crops (Feintrenie et al 2010). The dominant tree and shrub species must have important economic or cultural values. Rubber tree, oil palm and coffee are the main crops found in people’s plantation in Bengkulu because they have relatively high economic value. This finding was similar to study in homegarden systems in Lampung, another province of Sumatra (Roshetko et al 2002). Traditionally, Bengkulu farmers have planted coffee and rubber trees, but in the last two decades, oil palm has been the most important plantation crop in Bengkulu, even in all Sumatra provinces. Sixty percent of oil palm in Indonesia is found in Sumatra (Pricewater Coopers 2010). Palm oil area in Indonesia grew 11.5 percent annually from1997 to 2000, and by 15.8 percent annually from 2000 to 2007 (Saxon and Roquemore 2011). It is not surprising that the expansion of oil palm plantation is one of the main driving forces of deforestation in Sumatra. Not only plantation companies, but also individual farmers grow oil palm tree, who will then sell their oil palm fruit to companies. The third most important tree species was coconut. This is a versatile plant. Most parts of this tree are usable, although the people of Harapan Makmur Village only used its leaves and fruit for food, beverage and handy craft. The coconut fruit has economic value, and the people of Harapan Makmur not only used the fruit for their own daily use, but also sold it in the market. In another study, in Batu Ampar Village, South Bengkulu District, Wiryono and Lipranto (2013) found coconut the most used species in the village. Among shrubs, banana or Musa sp. was the second most abundant, after rubber plant. The people of Harapan Makmur consumed their own banana fruit and sold the fruit 252 B IO D I V E R S IT A S 17 (1): 249-255, April 2016 in the market. They also made handy craft from the banana leaves. Banana is one of the oldest cultivated plants on earth and is found in many parts of the world. It is also a versatile species. Its fruit contains much energy and vitamins, and most of its parts have medicinal values (Kumar et al 2012). Among herbs, Agrostis sp had the highest average coverage (25.8), followed by Imperata cylindrica L. (17.0), Dicranopsis linearis (Burn.f.) Underw (13.6), lawn grass or Axonopus compressus (Sw) P. Beauv (12.0), Eragrostis tenella (L.) P. Beauv. Ex Roem et. Schult. (12), Spigelia anthelmia (10) (Table 4). Unlike trees and shrubs, most of the herbs were not intentionally planted and was not used, so some of them have no local names. Type of uses Out of 101 species of plants found in home gardens, 79 species were used by the people of Hamlet II of Harapan Makmur Village for their daily uses and for sale. In another study, villagers living near Bukit Daun Protected Forest Area, in Kepahiang District, Bengkulu Province used 95 species of plants from their land (Sunesi and Wiryono 2007). In Keramat Mulya, Soreang District, West Java Province, the villagers used only 42 plant species from their traditional bamboo-tree gardens (Okubo et al 2010). In Kabena Island, Southeast Celebes Province, villagers used 65 species of plants for their daily uses (Rahayu and Rugayah 2010). The people of Hamlet II used 41 species of plants for food, 21 for firewood, 11 for medicines, 10 for ornamental plants, 7 for construction wood, 6 for beverage, 4 for hedge, 3 for forage, 3 for shade trees, 2 for handy craft, and 2 for coloring agent. The most used part of plant for food was fruit (69%), followed by leaf (14%), tuber (8%), rhizome (6%) and stem (3%). The food consisted of three categories, namely fruit, vegetable and seasoning. Some of plants for food were consumed and some were sold. In Batu Ampar Village, South Bengkulu District, villagers used only 35 plant species for food (Wiryono and Lipranto 2013) The fruits of plants were not only used as food, but also for beverage. No other parts of plants were used as beverage. Most of fruits were made into juice, except for coconut, robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) and arabica coffee (Coffea arabica). To give color on food, the people of Harapan Makmur Village used leaves of fragrant pandan (Pandanus amryllifolius) to give green color and rhizomes of tumeric (Curcuma domestica Vall) give yellow color. Homegarden is a source of firewood. Actually all trees and shrubs can be used as firewood, but the people of Harapan Makmur Village used only 21 species for firewood. Their selection of trees might be based on the easiness to get the wood and the quality of the wood as firewood. Both branches and trunk were used fo firewood. The trunks of seven species were also used as construction wood. One of species for construction wood was Tectona grandis or teak, which has very high quality wood. This species was brought from Java. Some species were native species of Bengkulu, e.g. Dysoxylum mollisimum Blume and Cinnamomum porrectum Roxb. Table 2. Five species of trees with the highest importance value index in the study area Local names Scientific names Family Rdo RF RDe IVI Karet Hevea brasiliensis Willd Euphorbiaceae 31.8 29.4 65.8 127.0 Sawit Elaeis guineensis L Palmaleceae 22.5 3.7 2.2 28.4 Kelapa Cocos nucifera L Arecaceae 7.8 12 4,6 24,5 Durian Durio zibethinus Murray Bombaceae 5.4 8.7 5.3 19.3 Kayu bawang Dysoxylum mollissium Blume Burseraceae 3.0 9.4 5.0 17.4 Note: Rdo: relative dominance; RF: relative frequency; RDe: relative density; IVI: importance value index. Table 3. Five species of saplings and shrubs with the highest number of individuals in the study area Local names Scientific names Families Number of individuals Karet Havea brasiliensis Willd Euphorbiaceae 159 Pisang Musa sp. Musaceae 51 Kopi robusta Coffea canephora Pierre ex A.Froehner Rubiaceae 41 Kopi arabika Coffea arabica L. Rubiaceae 21 Singkong Manihot utilisima Pohl. Euphorbiaceae 9 Table 4. Five species of herbs with the highest average cover in the study area Local names Scientific names Families Average coverage (%) _ Agrostis sp. Poaceae 25.8 Ilalang Imperata cylindrica L. Poaceae 17.0 Paku resam Dicranopsis linearis (Burn.f.) Underw Gleicheniaceae 13.6 Rumput kerbau Axonopus compressus (Sw) P. Beauv Poaceae 12.6 Eragrostis tenella (L.) P. Beauv. Ex Roem et. Schult. Poaceae 12.5 WIRYONO et al. – Species diversity and carbon stock in homegardens 253 Table 5. The local names, scientific names, families and uses of plants found in the study area Local names Scientific names Families Parts of plants used Types of uses Used plants Gandarusa Justicia gandarussa L Achantaceae ALL MED, FENCE Bayam Amaranthus spinosus L Amaranthaceae LEAF FOOD Jeger ayam Celosia cristata L Amaranthaceae ALL ORN Bawang daun Allium fistulosum L Amaryllidaceae LEAF FOOD Bacang Mangifera foetida Lour Anacardiaceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD Mangga Mangifera indica L Anacardiaceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, BEV, FRWSrikaya Annona muricata L Annonaceae FRT FOOD Pulai hitam Alstonia angustiloba Miq Apocynaceae TRK FRW, CON Tapak dara Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don Apocynaceae ALL ORN Talas Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott Araceae TUB FOOD Pinang Areca catechu L Arecaceae FRT, ALL MED, FEN Kelapa Cocos nucifera L Arecaceae LEAF, FRT FOOD, BEV, CRF Sawit Elaeis guineensis L Arecaceae FRT FOR SALE Salak Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss Arecaceae FRT FOOD Puding merah Cordyline fruticosa L Asparagaceae ALL ORN Suji Dracaena angustifiola Roxb Asparagaceae ALL ORN Lidah martua Sansevieria trifasciata Prain Asparagaceae ALL ORN Kemangi Ocimum basilicum L Asteraceae LEAF MED, FOOD Kalpataru Hurea crepitans L. Barringtoniaceae ALL SHADE Kapuk Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn Bombacaceae BRC FRW Durian Durio zibethinus Murray Bombacaceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, FRW, CON Nanas Ananas comosus (L.) Merr Bromeliaceae FRT FOOD Kayu bawang Dysoxylum mollissium Blume Burseraceae TRK, BRC FRW, FENCE, CON Ganyong Canna discolor Lindl. Cannaceae TUB FOOD Pepaya Carica papaya L Caricaceae FRT, LEAF MED, FOOD Ubi rambat Ipomoea batatas L Convolvulaceae TUB FOOD Gambas Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb Cucurbitaceae FRT FOOD Cemara kipas Thuja orientalis L Cupressaceae ALL ORN Bunga euphorbia Euphorbia milii Des Moul Euphorbiaceae ALL ORN Karet Hevea brasiliensis Willd Euphorbiaceae SAP FOR SALE Jarak Jatropha curcas L Euphorbiaceae SAP MED Singkong Manihot utilisima Pohl Euphorbiaceae LEAF, TUB FOOD Katu Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr Euphorbiaceae LEAF FOOD Akasia Acacia mangium Willd Fabaceae TRK, BRC FRW, CON Flamboyan Delonix regia (Boj. ex Hook.) Raf Fabaceae TRK, BRC FRW Gamal Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp Fabaceae TRK, LEAF FEN, FOR Lamtoro Leucaena leucocephala Lamk Fabaceae TRK, BRC FRW Sengon Paraserianthes falcataria L Fabaceae TRK FRW Jengkol Pithecellobium jiringa Prain Fabaceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, FRW Melinjo Gnetum gnemon L Gnetaceae LEAF, FRT FOOD Manggis Garcinia mangostana L Guttiferae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, FRW Jati Tectona grandis Linn. F Lamiaceae TRK, BRC FRW, CON Kayu gadis Cinnamomum porrectum Roxb Lauraceae TRK, BRC FRW, CON Alpokat Persea americana Mill Lauraceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, BEV, FRWBunga sepatu Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L Malvaceae ALL ORN Duku Lansium domesticum (Osbeck) Sahni & Bennet var. duku Meliaceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, FRW Mahoni Swietenia macrophylla King Meliaceae TRK, BRC FRW, CON Nangka Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Moraceae FRT, TRK, BRC, LEAF FOOD, FRW, FOR Sukun Artocarpus indicus L. F Moraceae ALL FOOD Pisang Musa sp. Musaceae LEAF, FRT FOOD, CRF Jambu biji Psidium guajava L Myrtaceae BH, OBT FOOD, FRW, SHD Jambu air Syzygium aqueum Burm. F Myrtaceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, FRW, SHD Jambu bol Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & Perry Myrtaceae FRT FOOD, SHD Bunga pukul empat Mirabilis jalapa L Nyctaginaceae ALL ORN Belimbing Averrhoa carambola L Oxalidaceae FRT FOOD Pandan Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb Pandanaceae LEAF FOOD, COL Kacang tanah Arachis hypogeae L Papilionaceae FRT FOOD Serai Andropogon nardus L Poaceae TRK, LEAF FOOD 254 B IO D I V E R S IT A S 17 (1): 249-255, April 2016 Rumput kerbau Axonopus compressus (Sw). P. Beauv Poaceae LEAF FOR Rumput jepang Zoysia japonica Steud Poaceae ALL ORN Mawar Rosa sp. Rosaceae ALL ORN Jabon Anthocephalus cadamba Miq Rubiaceae TRK FRW Kopi arabika Coffea arabica L Rubiaceae FRT, TRK, BRC BEV, FRW Kopi robusta Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner Rubiaceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, FRW Asoka Ixora coccinea L Rubiaceae ALL ORN Mengkudu Morinda citrifolia L Rubiaceae FRT MED Jeruk nipis Citrus aurantifolia (Ch. & P.) Sw Rutaceae LEAF, FRT FOOD, FRW, SHD Rambutan Nephelium lappaceum L Sapindaceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, FRW, SHD Sawo Achras zapota L Sapotaceae FRT FOOD Cabe besar Capsicum annuum L Solanaceae FRT FOOD Cabe rawit Capsicum frutescens L Solonaceae FRT FOOD Terong bulat Solanum blumei L Solanaceae FRT FOOD Tomat Solanum lycopersicum L Solanaceae FRT FOOD Rimbang Solanum torvum Sw Solanaceae FRT FOOD Coklat Theobroma cacao L Sterculiaceae FRT, TRK, BRC FOOD, FRW Mahkota dewa Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl Thymelaeaceae FRT MED Lidah buaya Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f Xanthorrhoeaceae ALL MED, ORN Kunyit Curcuma domestica Vall Zingiberaceae LEAF, RHI FOOD, MED, COL Jahe Zingiber officinale Roscoe Zingiberaceae RHI FOOD, MED Non used plants Pegagan Centella asiatica L Apiaceae _ NONE Rumput sambora Ageratum sp. Asteraceae _ NONE Kerinyu Chromolaena odorata L Asteraceae _ NONE Batang babi Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H. Rob Asteraceae _ NONE Jatong kuda Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertner Asteraceae _ NONE Widelia Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc Asteraceae _ NONE Rumput tapung Kyllinga nemoralis L Cyperaceae _ NONE Patikan kebo Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp Euphorbiaceae _ NONE Meniran Phylantus amarus L Euphorbiaceae _ NONE Bunga telang Clitoria sp. Fabaceae _ NONE Putri malu Mimosa pudica Duchass & Walp Fabaceae _ NONE Paku resam Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw Gleicheniaceae _ NONE _ Spigelia anthelmia L Loganiaceae _ NONE Harendong bulu Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don Melastomaceae _ NONE Keduruk Melastoma malabathricum Melastomaceae _ NONE Sesuruhan Peperomia pellucida L Piperaceae _ NONE _ Agrostis sp. Poaceae _ NONE _ Eragrostis tenella (L.) P. Beauv.ex Roem et.Schult Poaceae _ NONE Ilalang Imperata cylindrica L Poaceae _ NONE Jagung Zea mays ssp.. Mays L Poaceae _ NONE Paku-pakuan Pteris vittata L Pteridaceae _ NONE Pecut kuda Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L). Vahl. Verbenaceae _ NONE Eleven species of plants were used as traditional medicines. The most part of plant used as medicines was fruit (5 species), followed by leaf (4), rhizome (2) and sap (1). If the respondents for this study included a practicing traditional healer, the result might have been higher. In a village next to Harapan Makmur Village, the Tanjung Terdana Village, a traditional healer used 31 plant species for medicines (Nurliana 2011). Homegardens in Hamlet II of Harapan Makmur Village usually had clear boundary from one another. The villagers used bricks, wood, wire or living plants or hedge as the border of home gardens. Four species of plants were used as living fence or hedge. In the front yard, the people of Hamlet II planted ornamental plants and shade trees. Some species were planted as ornamental plants because of their bright flower, some for their characteristic crown and some for their characteristic leaves. The leaves of jackfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk and and quick stick Gliricidia sepium(Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp., lawn grass Axonopus compressus (Sw). P. Beauv were used as forage. Carbon stock The estimate of above ground tree biomass of trees was 147.8 ton ha-1 , below ground 54.7 ton ha-1 , and the total 202.5 ton ha-1 . With an average carbon stock estimated at WIRYONO et al. – Species diversity and carbon stock in homegardens 255 0.47 of biomass, the above ground carbon stock was 69.5 ton ha-1 , below ground carbon stock 25.7 ton ha-1 and total 95.2 ton ha-1 . The above ground biomass in the agroforestry system in Hamlet II was lower than that of Asian rain tropical broadleaf forest, which was 220 ton ha-1 (IPCC 2013), but higher than that in agroforestry system in Kalikunto watershed in Malang, East Java, which was 42.1 ton ha-1 (Hairiah et al. 2010). To conclude, homegarden systems of Hamlet II, Harapan Makmur Village resembled tree garden systems in Lampung and West Java; maintained biodiversity, contained significant carbon stocks, and provided livelihood for the villagers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We really appreciate the help of people in the Hamlet II of Harapan Makmur Village, in Pondok Kubang Sub- District, Central Bengkulu District, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia who have helped us with this study. We also thank the reviewers of this article for giving us valuable input for the improvement of the article and M. Fajrin Hidayat for his help in creating the map of study site. REFERENCES Feintrenie L, Schwarze S, Levang P. 2010. Are local people conservationists? Analysis of transition dynamics from agroforests to monoculture plantations in Indonesia. Ecol Soc 15 (4): 37. FWI [Forest Watch Indonesia]. 2011. The potret of Indonesian forest 2000-2009. Forest Watch Indonesia, Jakarta. Hairiah K, Dewi S, Agus F, et al. 2010. 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